Piątek 14 marca 2025 - Dalii, Leona, Matyldy

Regional dishes


Stuffed Chicken

1 large chicken, 5 dag raisins 3 teaspoons of red Vegeta (ready spices), bay leaf, allspice, salt

Floods: 1 liter of boiled water, 1 tablespoon Vegeta (vinegar, salt to taste), 6 teaspoons gelatin

Separate the meat of the chicken from it's bones, spread the thin parts and sprinkle with Vegeta and raisins. Wrap in gauze and tie with a thread fairly strongly. Boil in salted water for about ½ hour. Add bay leaf allspice. Let it cool down and unwrap. Cut into slices and arrange on a platter.


ostatnia modyfikacja: 22 stycznia 2010
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