Piątek 14 marca 2025 - Dalii, Leona, Matyldy

Regional dishes


Homemade Bread

Homemade Bread

1 kg of flour of rye, 1 kg of wheat flour, yeast cubes, 1 liter of milk or buttermilk, salt
½ cup milk, 2 teaspoons sugar, 2 tablespoons of rye flour

Making of the dough:

Mix all the ingredients, wait until the yeast grow. Other ingredients combine to add dough, leave to ferment. Knead the dough and lay out on a large plaque. Insert an oven and oven for about 2 hours at a temperature of about 200 Celsius degrees. You can add a sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin or other seeds.

"Bread bought by the work is tasty"

"What's meal - the bread"


ostatnia modyfikacja: 22 stycznia 2010
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